Thursday, June 30, 2011

Whats holding you back

If you want to finish the race of life, if you want to make it to the finish line, you’re going to have to let go of some things that may be holding you back in the race. Call it de-cluttering; call it simplifying; there are some things that need to be laid aside in order to finish well.

What kind of things am I talking about? The things that cause you to get discouraged. Think of it this way. If you attach one light bulb to a battery, the battery will run for a long time. If you attach 100 light bulbs to a battery, it will go dim and dark really quick!

When you keep adding things to your schedule and your life, you will quickly become discouraged and tired.
Lets call it a weight........

A weight is anything that slows you down. It could be a relationship, a job, an activity, or a sport. It doesn’t have to be a bad thing that slows you down. A weight can be a good thing, but if you get too many good things in your life, you’re going to collapse because you don’t have time for all of them. You need to learn to say no to grow. Your not expected to do everything.

A weight can also be an unrealistic expectation that comes from peer pressure or the need to please someone, or it can be a memory. You might be stuck in the past, holding on to a happiness or hurt. The problem is that you can’t live in the past or even in the future; you can only live in the now. Trying to do anything else will weigh you down.

Whatever the weight is, if it isn’t working in your life, if it’s dragging you down, you need to let it go.

Identifying these are easy, right? They are the things that you know to do but you don’t do them. You know the keys to living a healthy lifestyle or keeping your finances in good shape. But do you do them?

If you have stumbled across my blog, firstly let me thank you for taking the time to read it... and if you are looking to make improvements in your life check out what I do in the website below and if I can help leave your details so we can have a chat. Cheers Rhonda

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Our Path to Peru

Macchu Picchu

Don Ramon at Tipon Water sanctuary
Us on the train to Macchu Picchu

Hi Everyone,
Well here we are back from from our epic journey to Cuzco, Peru.........
WOW what an amazing we would never have dreamed of doing on our own. To be truthful I never new such places existed until we got started in our home based business opportunity with Life Path Unlimited. I have always wanted to travel and this business has given me that opportunity as well as helping other people along the way. The best thing is, my Husband, Ron wasn't interested at all in traveling outside Australia and since our first trip to the Breakthrough Conference in Fiji you can't stop him.....we are no sooner back from our Destiny conference in Peru and are now looking forward to the next conference in Cancun Mexico in November/December.
We left Australia on the 25th May from Sydney Airport with a group of friends we have met through the Life Path Unlimited business opportunity. We arrived in Cuzco a couple of days early to acclimatize as the Peruvian city is 11000+ feet above sea level and we needed to get use to the lack of oxygen. We found ourselves drinking a lot of Coco tea to help us from getting altitude sickness, which I ended getting.

29th May Day 1
We arrive at the Monasterio Hotel for the first session of our Destiny journey in the Chapel where we are met by Shamans... Richard, Don Ramon, & Victor.
The ceremony started with Richard sharing the true wisdom of Pachamama and the Apus (the mountain spirits), he spoke of 3 symbols, the serpent, the puma and the condor....The Serpent which represents the inner world (our mental and psychological world)it symbolizes illumination,imagination, Sacred Knowledge, Divine intelligence and Wisdom.
Puma....represents our earthly physical world. The Puma is an animal that teaches us to live in an eternal Present, without internal or external limitations.
And the Condor....symbolizing the upper world....the spirit....freedom.

Day 2:
Tipon water sanctuary where we all enjoyed another spiritual cleansing and healing ceremony with the Shamans, they drew pictures on our stomachs with water coloured from leaves and a few days later you could see this picture start appearing on our stomachs, then a few days later again the Shaman read what all these pictures meant to each person, I don't think anyone had the same picture.

Day 3:
Macchu Picchu....built around 1450 by the Incas and abandoned 100yrs later, it was rediscovered by Hiram Bingham in 1911. We traveled there from our hotel by bus to Ollantaytambo where we caught the Macchu Picchu train, also known as the Vista Dome, it has panaramic windows overhead, and traveled along side the river until we got to another little town at the bottom of Mucchu Picchu where caught another bus to take us to what we had all been waiting to see.....the Sacred Valley of Macchu Picchu...we had the Shamans as our tour guides, at the end of the tour they performed a ceremony for us, Shaman Don Romon did the ceremony, offering us all a necklace to wear as a symbol of Machu Picchu to take away with us with a blessing from him.

Day 4:
We didn't get to see much as I succumb to altitude sickness due to my lack of (none) coco tea the day before, made with coco leaf. The coco leaf is used for healing as well as as the altitude sickness among many other things.
Visit for more detail on this truely amazing experience that we as Life Path Associates shared as a group and as individuals.

Day 5:
The final day of our Destiny conference, we gathered in the Chapel for closing ceremonies and after lunch we had our pictures on our stomachs read by Richard, all telling a different story for each of us.

On the Saturday we (us and the Frohloff Family) got to spend some private time with Richard, who took us to the siver factory where he helped us choose some jewelery based on the readings of our stomach (pictures). After lunch we (us and the Frohloff's) went to a musicians house where we met up with Dave, Joe & Joy Elizabeth, Fredrick and David. We got to play 2000y/o ceramic water instruments and had another healing ceremony.
If you would like to know more go to enter your details and we will give you a call.
Thanks for stopping by our blog.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Hi everyone,
A little while back I put a blog post up that we are of to Peru, well the time is fast approaching. In less than 3 weeks we will be embarking on our journey.
We have had all our injections, booked our flights and accommodation, so all that is left now is for everything to fall into place and to pack.
We are looking forward to seeing everyone that we have already met in Fiji and meeting people we know but have not met in person.
So see you all in

Saturday, April 23, 2011

journey of self discovery.

Hi everyone,

While reading a Erkhart Tolle book it posed the question of "WHO AM I"

Over the past couple of years I have been wondering that very question.


On the surface I am Rhonda Keenan, wife, mother, mother-in-law, grandmother, daughter,daughter-in-law, sister, sister-in-law, friend. While enjoy being all those things, I'm feeling the need to look inside myself to find out the bigger picture of who I really am and I'm not sure what triggered those thoughts.

I was born and raised in WA with 3 brothers. At the age of 18, me, my parents & my youngest brother hit the road on a working holiday around Australia. Four months into that trip I met my Husband Ron and 17 months later we were married, I had just turned 20 and Ron was 19.
Our 36 year partnership has stood the test of time, trials, tribulations and triumphs.

In the past 18 months I have lost my Dad & 2 dear friends to cancer. Seen another 2 endure breast cancer and in the last couple of weeks another friends life is in the balance, which I guess is the catalyst of me questioning my own mortality and who I am.
While I spent the best part of 13 months in WA helping my Mother care for my Dad during his illness, my husband was back here in NSW fending for himself and one day while watching TV he saw something that tweaked his interest, which took him looking on the Internet where he found a home based business opportunity in the personal development industry with Life Path Unlimited, which brings me to the journey I am on now, a journey of self awareness and life enhancement a quest to find out who I am-to go within.
In a few short weeks we will be going to Peru to attend our 5 day Destiny conference at the beautiful Hotel Monasterio in Cuzco during which time we are all going to venture up to Macchu Picchu. This extravagant 5 day event is the culmination of the Life Path Unlimited business opportunity where we will experience abundance, prosperity, joy and celebration, during which time I will find myself, let go of my fears and limiting beliefs.
Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to read my blogg.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Friends unite to continue charity dream.

Friends for 30+ years, we met at pre natal class while pregnant with our 1st babies.

When our dear friend DAZZLING DEB was diagnosed with cancer she had been off the smokes for 18 months.
When Deb decided to give up the cigarettes, she wanted to do something to take her mind of smoking and she was an av ed eBay shopper. One day while perusing eBay she fell in love with the Cabbage Patch dolls and decided to buy any that she came across and ended up with around 150 dolls which she lovingly re dressed and re named.
After finding out that she had cancer a vision she had going around in the back of her mind came to the fore and that was to raise a million dollars for the needy children of her local area and around the world with all donations being made through her local church. Deb was hoping to see this dream through to the end but sadly she lost her brave fight on the 11/1/2011 and so leaving her friends and family to realise this dream for her.
Deb's goal was to sell tickets for $1 each and draw winners from the pool of entries, to purchase a ticket for the opportunity to adopt on of these quirky little dolls you can go to
As well as spending $1 for the opportunity to win you can also help us raise the $1,0000000 by become an associate member for $3/yr or make a donation, just visit the web site above and choose from the tabs. You can also listen to Deb's song and see her full story.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Volunteering to make a difference

Such a simple way of making a difference. Rhonda Keenan you're the BEST!! You make my heart sing! ♥ ♥
Thanks Deb....:-) it makes my heart sing too... to know I can make a difference with one or two simple phone calls each day. Thanks for the face book post, you ROCK.

For the past 20 years I have been doing volunteer work for the Red Cross by calling people(mostly the elderly)at home to make sure they are up and about for the day and that they are ok. It's a simple cheery 5 minute call to give them contact with someone first thing in the morning.
Then about 3 years ago my husband Ron decided he would get involved and do the same.
It gives us great pleasure to make the calls and to make a small difference to someones day.

PS Thanks everyone for your lovely comments on FB

Sunday, March 13, 2011


The engineer in my Husband. Home made sprinklers.

These sprinklers have been in the making for a while,( I mean years) because he has back pain he is always thinking about how to make doing things, easier, so he doesn't have to bend. So we have gone to every ones favourite hardware store, got a length of conduit, had it cut into 3 equal pieces,(approx. 1mtr) fixed a sprinkler head to the top and a spike on the bottom (made from an old clothes airer), oh, and naturally somewhere to connect the hose as well. Total cost under $10.
Works just like a bought one, but when they are in use they flex from the preasure of the water and water the whole yard without moving them to many times.
By the way, the table the sprinklers are on, is also made by yours truely. WHAT A CLEVER MAN I MARRIED

Monday, March 7, 2011

Greetings everyone,
Earlier I posted that we were going to Peru with our primary business opportunity.
Well here is where we are going to be staying, at the beautiful Monisterio Hotel in Cuzco.
Our event will run from the 29th of May to the 2nd of June, during which time we will make the trek to Machu Picchu for an awe inspiring view of the ancient Inca's ruins.
We are looking forward to seeing all the friends we made in Fiji and all the new friends we have made since.
See you all in Peru.


Friday, February 18, 2011

Hi Everyone,
I got this in my email box today and how true it is. Just thought I would share it.
We all think we are happy if we have all the materialistic things in life, when in actual fact we need to be happy in our hearts first and then no matter where you live and what you have you will always be happy.

What will it take for you to be happy?

Benjamin Franklin pointed out that, "The U.S. Constitution doesn't guarantee happiness, only the pursuit of it. You have to catch up to it yourself."

A lot of us pin our happiness to external factors...if only we had more money...or a better house...or whatever your latest "want" is, but our happiness has been...and always will be... right inside ourselves. That concept is liberating because it finally puts us in charge of our own happiness.

An excerpt from The Road to Happiness ~ by Mac Anderson and BJ Gallagher

When I travel on business, I like to talk to the taxi drivers who take me from the airport to my hotel, or to a convention center, or to a restaurant. Taxi drivers are often immigrants with interesting personal histories and unusual cultural backgrounds. I ask them how long they've been in America, how they chose which city to live in, and what they like best about where they live. Of course, I also ask them for advice on good local restaurants and any special attractions they'd recommend to a visitor. I've had some great experiences on my travels, thanks to the advice of taxi drivers!

On one trip about ten years ago, I was making conversation with the taxi driver, asking him my usual questions about how he came to live where he lived. Then I asked him a hypothetical question: "If you could live anywhere in the world-and if money was no object-where would you live?"

Without hesitating even for a second, he replied, "I live in my heart. So it really doesn't matter where my body lives. If I am happy inside, then I live in paradise, no matter where my residence is."

I felt humbled and a little foolish for my question. Of course he was right-happiness is an inside job. He had reminded me of something I already knew, but had forgotten. If you can't find happiness inside yourself, you'll never find it in the outside world, no matter where you move. Wherever you go, there you are. You take yourself with you.

I am grateful for the wisdom of that taxi driver. And I'm grateful for all the wisdom others have shared with me about how to be happy. :)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Peru here we come

Hello One and all,
You've seen my post about when we went to Fiji for a conference for our home based business, well I'm here to tell you we are of again, in May, to another conference only this time we are gong to Machu Picchu, Peru, for a five day conference, and are looking forward to seeing all the people we met in Fiji and rekindling our friendship with them and making new friendships with some new people as well.
We are very excited about our up and coming adventure and are looking forward to what is in store for us because we know it will be an amazing event right down to the last little detail.
We also know there will an extraordinary line up of guest speakers, not to mention the challenges they have planed for us to reach our full potential.
I will be sure to keep you posted when we have more details, dates etc.
So till then take care and thank you for visiting my blog.
Feel free to leave a comment.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

My year since my last post.

It's been 9 months since my last post on my blog, and a lot has happened personally and professionally.
But where to start....since our trip to Fiji in April 2010, I have had a bit of an emotional roller coaster ride in my personal life. I've struggled with not seeing our beautiful granddaughter on a regular basis, and with the loss of my father in September 2009,those 12 months were difficult and I didn't think it would affect me so much as it did. Then in August I lost my dear friend, Robyn, of 25 years, due to complications of ovarian cancer, she was diagnosed in June and the blessing is that she didn't suffer and we thank the Lord for that, also in August 2010 another dear friend, Dazzling Deb, of 31 years (we had our first babies together, who all turned 30 last year)was diagnosed with lung cancer and to put in her words she would say she bought this hideous disease on herself because of life choices, sadly on Tuesday 11/1/11 @ 8am she lost her battle as well and what a brave fight she fort, we fare welled her in true Dazzling style and she will be missed by us all.
But in her dying months she had a vision to create a legacy for the underprivileged children around the world including right here on the Central Coast of NSW in particular the Woy Woy Peninsular for her beloved Hope Church where we would all gather for our weekly dose of inspiration.
Just to wind the clock back a bit so you know what I mean when I say "we".......31 years ago a group of pregnant women (about 7/8) first met at a prenatal class in the early stages of their pregnancy 31 years later we are all still friends and our children are as well, but in particular 3 of us where even closer friends and it's those 3 friends I refer to as "we" Gaye, Dazzling and myself.
I've never been a church goer much on a regular basis until January 2010, Gaye and Daz, had been going for about 12 months before me, I went to support Gaye as she was getting Baptised and that Baptism just happened to be on my Fathers Birthday(Jan. 10), next thing you know I'm being Baptised too, and I have been a regular church goer ever since. Today we are going as it will be a special tribute to our dear Daz as well as our message from the Lord. Thank you Jesus for this day and all I have, my Family, Friends, my home and all that I receive.

My professional life has been a bit the same.......... first our trip to Fiji (in April 2010) which was truly amazing and our first trip over seas.
18 months ago we(my Husband & I) joined a wonderful company, Life Path Unlimited, a personal and professional development & prosperity company, we joined it as a way of means to earn an income from home with out having to go back to work for someone and have them dictate when we could and couldn't have time of.
Well I have to say that that was the best decision we have ever made. Not only have we become leaders in the business but we have got to meet so many wonderful people in the business but we get to help people change their lives as well. We get to give back to a Global community on many levels, financially, personally and professionally.
We host calls for the LPU community, me every other Monday and Ron every Tuesday.

In the last 9 months we have generated profits of $21,000, of which $15,000 was in the last 2 weeks and another $30,000 in the next month.
Come April will see us heading to Macho Piccho, Peru, for yet another awesome conference and what will be our second trip over seas. Can't wait!!!!!!
2011 is also going to be a year of prosperity and abundance for us in so many ways, it's going be a year of giving, of learning and being the best person I can be.
I promise I won't leave it so long between blogs this year.