Sunday, March 13, 2011


The engineer in my Husband. Home made sprinklers.

These sprinklers have been in the making for a while,( I mean years) because he has back pain he is always thinking about how to make doing things, easier, so he doesn't have to bend. So we have gone to every ones favourite hardware store, got a length of conduit, had it cut into 3 equal pieces,(approx. 1mtr) fixed a sprinkler head to the top and a spike on the bottom (made from an old clothes airer), oh, and naturally somewhere to connect the hose as well. Total cost under $10.
Works just like a bought one, but when they are in use they flex from the preasure of the water and water the whole yard without moving them to many times.
By the way, the table the sprinklers are on, is also made by yours truely. WHAT A CLEVER MAN I MARRIED


  1. Yes Ron it is good to see your worth keeping LOL. No seriously a great idea for those who can't bend down. I am sure you could make some more and take them up to the bowling club and they would sell like hotcakes!

  2. what a clever man indeed- i hope this will be on the New Inventors very soon, it's a great idea
